A fair way to get a job

Virtual Careers Fair logo.Virtual Careers Fair logo.
Virtual Careers Fair logo.
Jobstoday, part of the Reporter Series, has opened registration for its national Virtual Careers Fair to connect employers with job seekers.

The fair is an online platform where employers can showcase their business and vacancies to job seekers through a virtual stand, and connect to promising individuals.

The 11 day fair runs from February 18-March 1. With online features such as chat and video technology, businesses can bring to life their vacancies while job seekers can show off their skills and expertise to help them land their next job. A wide range of employers will be attending – businesses already booked to attend include IKEA, the Hesley Group and Victoria’s Secret.

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The pre-registration process ensures only the most motivated job seekers attend the fair, while guaranteeing registrants entry to the event. Registrants will also receive updates helping them to prepare fully and maximise their opportunity for success. All job seekers who register before February 18 will be automatically entered into a free prize draw to win an iPad Mini.

Jobstoday is part of Johnston Press PLC, one of the UK’s leading publishers of over 200 local newspapers and internet sites including the Reporter Series. Promotions of the fair will appear on Jobstoday.co.uk and all Johnston Press publications expanding the marketing reach of all participating businesses to the 14 million people in the network, and ensuring they fill their vacancy with the ideal person.

Job seekers can sign up free at www.virtualcareerevent.com/jtuk to ensure they are guaranteed entry from February 18. Businesses can find out how to get involved by calling Suzie Muir on 07793 170754 or emailing [email protected].

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