Kirklees budget: record number share thoughts with council

Kirklees Council leader David Sheard. (D526E439)Kirklees Council leader David Sheard. (D526E439)
Kirklees Council leader David Sheard. (D526E439)
The first stage of Kirklees Council’s budget consultations ended with a record 1,600 participants.

The initial phase looked at the broad principles of the plans, like the future of our economy and health service.

Leader of the council David Sheard said: “The decisions now become more tricky because the easier savings have been made.”

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More than half respondents felt a two per cent increase in council tax was acceptable, with 16 per cent supporting an increase of five per cent. Almost a third said there should be no increase at all.

Two thirds agreed that the council should sell some of its land and buildings – 28 per cent strongly agreed with this.

The council should support economic growth and development, 72 per cent thought, including building more homes and business sites.

Seventy-eight per cent agreed the council should continue to make plans to support health and wellbeing, 83 per cent were for investment in early intervention and prevention to allow communities to help themselves, and 85 per cent thought the council should support economic resilience.