MP backs Side by Side dementia service

MP Tracy Brabin, right, with Alzheimers Society Side by Side volunteer Julie Taylor-Radcliffe and her Pets as Therapy dog Flint during the visit to Margaret Grace.MP Tracy Brabin, right, with Alzheimers Society Side by Side volunteer Julie Taylor-Radcliffe and her Pets as Therapy dog Flint during the visit to Margaret Grace.
MP Tracy Brabin, right, with Alzheimers Society Side by Side volunteer Julie Taylor-Radcliffe and her Pets as Therapy dog Flint during the visit to Margaret Grace.
Batley and Spen MP Tracy Brabin has visited a local family to see first-hand how the Alzheimer's Society Side by Side service can benefit people living with dementia to avoid social isolation.

Tracy visited Margaret Grace, who will be 92 this month, with Alzheimer’s Society Side by Side volunteer Julie Taylor-Radcliffe and her Pets as Therapy dog Flint. She said: “I am delighted to support the Side by Side service which will make a huge difference to the lives of people living with dementia and their careers.”

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