Sailor home for Christmas after one of Navy's biggest deployments

Able Rate Bryony Wilcock, of Dewsbury, on board HMS Queen Elizabeth. Photo: UK MODAble Rate Bryony Wilcock, of Dewsbury, on board HMS Queen Elizabeth. Photo: UK MOD
Able Rate Bryony Wilcock, of Dewsbury, on board HMS Queen Elizabeth. Photo: UK MOD
A sailor is coming home in time for Christmas after being deployed to the other side of the world and back on the Royal Navy’s largest operational deployment in a generation.

Able Rate Bryony Wilcock, who grew up in Dewsbury and attended Earlsheaton Technical College, was deployed on the aircraft carrier, HMS Queen Elizabeth, the largest warship ever built for the Royal Navy, on her first operational deployment as part of the United Kingdom’s Carrier Strike Group.

The task group’s journey began in May with a farewell from Her Majesty the Queen and has seen the task group sail from the Atlantic Ocean, through the Mediterranean, across the Indian Ocean, into the Pacific and back again.

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