The hopes and fears of music venue owners as they battle to defy the odds

David Jackson talks to the people who run three leading grassroots venues about the challenges of the past few months - and their hopes for the future

More than four months after music venues across the country were forced to close because of the coronavirus,  the government announced in July that 150 small venues would receive emergency funding.

The £2.25m is the first slice of a £1.57bn relief package.

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However, away from national headlines, many venue owners had long since realised the severity of the situation and had started to take action.

Esquires in Bedford, the Craufurd Arms in Milton Keynes and the Roadmender in Northampton have all been working to help secure their long-term future.

Don Broco playing at the Roadmender in Northampton (photo: David Jackson)Don Broco playing at the Roadmender in Northampton (photo: David Jackson)
Don Broco playing at the Roadmender in Northampton (photo: David Jackson)

While none operate within metropolitan city surroundings, all three are staples of the UK music scene.

At last year’s Live Music Awards, Esquires was nominated in the best venue under an 800-capacity category and it headed into 2020 ready to celebrate its 30th birthday.

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“We’d made a strong start to the year, with multiple sold out shows and some exciting artists like Dry Cleaning, Warmduscher, JOHN, BC Camplight and Ho99o9 having already played,” explains Gareth Barber, owner of the 270-capacity venue.

“The rest of the year was looking so good too. It was our 30th anniversary so it’s a bit upsetting to see all that go up in smoke.

“I’ve been a promoter for 18 years and involved in music in some way or another for the same amount of time. I don’t think anyone has ever known anything like this.

“Hopefully there is an end and we don’t see anything like this again in our lifetime.”

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Tom Grennan performing at Esquires in Bedford (photo: David Jackson)Tom Grennan performing at Esquires in Bedford (photo: David Jackson)
Tom Grennan performing at Esquires in Bedford (photo: David Jackson)

At the 300-capacity Craufurd Arms, in Wolverton, Milton Keynes it was a similar story.

While catering for the heavier side of the musical landscape, it is also a regular on the alternative scene, with the likes of Idles, Fontaines DC, Basement and Cancer Bats all having played sold-out shows in recent years.

Jason Hall, who runs the venue with colleague Max Harvey, said: “It was a sickening feeling. I was a bit optimistic it would only be a few weeks and I’d not be sat at home four months later with no real time frame to re-open.

“We had five sold-out shows lined up for the two weeks leading up to and during the closure which were subsequently cancelled or postponed.”

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The Roadmender in Northampton is the largest of the three, with an 800-capacity main room.

With roots as a social club in the town, the venue was a regular stop-off for everyone during the Britpop era.

More recently the likes of Slowthai, Gary Numan and Don Broco have headlined with the venue also hosting regular electronic music and dance events. This year it was set to mark its 80th birthday.

Husband and wife team David and Natalie Norris were left “frightened” at the prospect of closure.

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Mr Norris said: “It was shaping up to be a promising year but this just put us into another zone.

“It was frightening. I genuinely thought we’d be back up and running by about July.

“The realisation has hit us that until there’s a vaccine, we’re never going to be the same.”

Idles at the Craufurd Arms in Milton Keynes (photo: David Jackson)Idles at the Craufurd Arms in Milton Keynes (photo: David Jackson)
Idles at the Craufurd Arms in Milton Keynes (photo: David Jackson)

The unexpected closure of all three venues saw a scramble to reschedule gigs, asking ticket holders to forgo refunds and dealing with bar inventory. More than four months on, some gigs have already been rescheduled for a second time.

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Natalie Norris said: “Ninety-nine per cent of our supporters have been brilliant and we’ve only lost a small proportion of ticket sales.

“People don’t always realise there’s human beings behind the names of venues.”

Aside from Esquires, Mr Barber is also part of promoters The Pad Presents so was rapidly having to rearrange other national tours and regional shows.

“We did around four months' work in two weeks and I was moving house during lockdown too, so it was quite intense,” he explains.

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“Other than that, we have just been trying to put as many of our ongoing accounts into a dormant status to try and save as much money as possible.”

The Craufurd Arms and Esquires were quick to establish Crowdfunder appeals after closing - before the Music Venue Trust’s #SaveOurVenues campaign and before the government announced financial support packages.

Both smashed their targets, raising £30,490 and £50,429 respectively.

Mr Barber said: “I was humbled, surprised and very thankful. It felt like a validation of all the hard work we’d put in since taking over a few years ago and the hard work of everyone involved in the venue before that.